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Dear Altar Server,


Our parish is deeply grateful for your decision to be an altar server. Your service and dedication are important parts of our parish life. It is an extreme privilege to kneel so close to the altar as our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity, just as He was at the Last Supper and Calvary, and therefore servers are chosen from those who display a desire for a more intimate union with Our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.


Saint Thomas said, "The celebration of the Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the Cross." The primary duty of an Altar Server is to assist the priest, as a representative of the people of the parish, in a visible manner, as the mystery of Calvary unfolds on the Altar. What an honor to serve our Lord at this most praiseworthy gift of love.


The place of the altar server in liturgical celebrations remains one of prominence and distinction. All actions of the server are woven from signs and symbols whose meaning is rooted in the works of creation and in human culture, specified by events in the Old Testament and fully revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Accordingly, servers have a solemn responsibility to do their assigned duties with dignity and reverence.


The purpose for this manual is to give you direction for our parish Masses and to be a guide to help you as you assist the priest at the Altar of God. Along the way, you will learn most matters concerning liturgical worship. We pray that you will strive to grasp their spiritual meaning.



Rev. Fr. Russell Hewes



Rev. Dr. Armando L. Cruz-Rodz



Saint Tarcisius Guild

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